Oct 31
BDM – T & D’s Psychic Extravaganza
Annoy Your Friends
We decided to do something a little bit special for all of you BDM Members for Halloween! I mean, why not? You guys take the time to subscribe and support our show…the least that we can do is to get off of our fat asses and try to do something for you that odd and creative. Tom had the idea a while ago that he wanted to do a psychic reading with both of us for a Halloween BDM show. You wouldn’t believe how fucking hard it is to try and get a psychic on a podcast. The irony of the two lowest forms of entertainment not melding together well is burning my eyes. After a dozen calls and then finally deciding that we could exploit friends of ours, we called our buddy Jamie the Psychic to see if she was available. Oddly enough, even at this time of year, she was free and you will now hear her in all of her glory telling me and Tom what’s going to happen in our lives and show’s going to die first!
Enjoy and Happy Halloween!
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Tom and Dan are accustomed to a certain standard of living. Help keep their Lambo Dick Status by donating to the show.
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