• Sep 30

    JUST ADDED! #BDM LIVE from The Bahamas!


    Annoy Your Friends


    Greetings from the Bahamas, ‘bags!

    I hope that this little message finds you well! Tom and I (plus the girls) have been having quite the “mediocre” time diving and hemorrhaging the companies monies all over the islands. The diving at Staurt Cove’s has been pure insanity. (In fact I think you’re going to hear me say that adjective at least 5000 times when referring to the dives! Especially the shark dive that you see a photo of above.) Just f’n insanity! There’s really no other way to explain it. Major love and thanks to the entire staff there. They were nothing short of fantastic and you’ll hear from our Dive Master Charlotte in today’s #BDM show!

    Another thing that’s insane is the fact that there is nothing else to eat around here other than hamburgers! Seriously! And I have yet to see one Bahamian native eat anything. They are a proud, kind, beautiful, and apparently very private when eating people. And sadly they’ve pretty much nailed the fact that American blob-oh’s just want a burger, fries, and beer when they get done floating like human bobbers in the World’s most beautiful dive spots. Divers…not known as the most physically fit aqua-athletes in the world. Pretty much the exact opposite of swimmers.

    We’ll be heading home in a few hours but please take note that I went ahead and got up early to edit the #BDM Member’s show. Don’t worry guys, you will be getting an “OG” show as well but Tom and I still have to cut the intro for that and I think we’re going to record one more #BDM show before we fly out.

    Vacation was fantastic but I miss you guys! Looking forward to getting back and getting back into the groove of things.

    That last statement was complete bullshit.

    All love,


    Posted By dan on September 30 2013 | Comments (5 )


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